Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Old Toys & Nostalgia

Did you guys have these toys?  I want to find them for my son.  It's sort of an obsession but I don't want to buy them on ebay, I want them to be from a thriftstore I went to 2 thriftstores this week without any sort of toy section.  I think it may be more like little church thriftstores that have a lot of toys and that's not the kind I went to.  I LOVE these toys.  At the same time, when I go to thriftstores lately I have a bad habit of buying stupid shit I could never ever want or need.  Case in point -- a guy's mullet wig.  "haha that's funny, who wouldn't want one of those?" you may ask.  ME.  If any of you sweet local friends who are obsessed w/ my cute son are good at thrift store shopping, hint hint.