Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rock N' Roll Suicide

well let's see, my last trip down memory lane included an intro where I maligned my Dancing In the Dark zine, the first (or second?) zine I did when I moved to Olympia for college.  In my memory it was a horny and corny college girl sadness zine.  But I looked through it more last night and just thought Aw, poor college age Robin.  It was mostly about my first heartbreak.  Still, no need to let that one out of its skeleton closet.  I hope you enjoyed the excerpts from The Healthy Body.  Today's offering is some excerpts from Rock N' Roll Suicide, a concept zine where each piece starts with a lyric, and it's partly about Rock N' Roll as a thing, or ... a beast.  A time travel.  A bad influence.  Anyway, not only was this a concept zine, it was one of my rare team-playing moments -- it was a split zine with my best friend at the time.  Sadly, we recently broke up, over an argument about sleep training.  For those of you who don't know what that phrase means, it's what new-school parents call the process of teaching a newborn to sleep at night, and I wish I was kidding about all this but, strangely, pathetically, sleep training can get very political.  Why?, you ask.  Well, why does NYC mayor Bloomberg feel it's his place to ban free baby formula samples in hospitals and enforce the "Breast is Best" dogma on new mothers?  Because womanhood is shitty and inevitably political-as-personal sometimes.  Anyway, from Motley Crue to sleep-training throwdowns.  Whatevs.  Needless to say her parts of the zine aren't included here, even though they were good.  and I only included some of mine.  I liked this zine though.  Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. since no one else is likely to comment here, i will just tell you, Robin, you are amazing and so is this zine. love forever Robin
